Personalizing My Faith My Personal Mission Starter Kit
Having a mission with intentionality is the next step toward ultimately magnifying God. The My Missionality Profile is a great resource to help members glorify God through the bearing of much fruit. Every believer in Christ should learn how to share his or her faith, plus disciple other Christians to do the same. This is my Mission With Intentionality.
The church is not only a hospital for the hurting, a learning center, and place of worship, it is also a lighthouse for the lost. Churches today have failed at "going into the highways and hedges and compelling people to come in." Christians desperately need to learn how to evangelize and disciple others with the mission Jesus gave as He ascended to heaven after His resurrection.
His last command was to go and make disciples. His last words here on earth were "and you shall be My witnesses, both in Jerusalem, and Judea, and Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth," Acts 1:8 Using concentric circles, we can visualize the need to first begin winning those closest to us in our community (Jerusalem). Then we can reach others through our region (Judea). Then we should stretch our outreach into the nation (Samaria). Finally, we should be involved in worldwide missions to globally reach the lost.
The problem is that most Christians have never heard the "Macedonia call," - "come over and help us." We are often too busy with our own challenges. Once we develop a personal mission plan, we will better fulfill the Great Commission to go into all the world and make disciples. It all begins in our homes, then spreads out inviting people to our church to hear the gospel. Then it stretches into our communities where we become "messengers" of God's love and forgiveness, and eventually we go, give and / or pray for a lost and dying world without Christ.
The My Missionality Profile Member's Guide, Facilitator's Manual and PowerPoint Presentation are designed to train your members in the "how to" practical steps. It is an innovative and enlightening way of teaching evangelism and discipleship from a fresh biblical Human Behavior Science perspective.
Your members will learn how to put feet on their faith. The My Missionality resources are a must for every church interested in building disciples who will magnify God.
Helpful Tips: The My Missionality Profile Member's Guide can also be used earlier with new members and / or believers without having them wait for the next class. New believers in Christ, along with new church members are often the most responsive. Encourage them to participate in the My Missionality class as early as possible. It is not necessary to make members follow a specific order of classes. Emphasize mission with intentionality! You may want to use this class as a members' first class after joining the church or becoming Christians. Another idea is to have members become accountable to each other. Encourage members to choose a prayer-partner who will pray for, plus share the burden of winning and discipling others.
- First Things First
- My Personal Mission Questionnaire
- Begins in My Home
- Continues Into My Church
- Reaches Into My Community
- Stretches Into All The World
- Fine-tuning Outreach Skills
- DISC Model of Human Behavior Science
- Outreach from a Personality Perspective
- Outreach Styles & Insights
- Receptivity Styles & Outreach in the Workplace
- Discipleship and Disciple/Discipler Styles & Insights
- Action Plan
- Includes:
- 5 Personalizing My Faith My Personal Mission Profiles
- 1 Facilitator's Manual, (transparency masters available upon request)
- 1 PowerPoint Presentation
Note: PowerPoint is to be downloaded after purchase. To download your PowerPoint, go to your My Account page, and click on Downloads on the right side of the blue bar.
Quantity Discounts Available:
50 - 99 - 10% off retail
100 - 199 - 20% off retail
200 or more - 30% off retail